As you may or may not be aware, this month is EDS awareness month. This blog idea has been something that’s been rattling around my brain for a while. I thought to coincide with the awareness month, I would try and get this written for you, dear reader, and myself. The reason being, I hear a lot of talk amongst the medical and health professionals about people pushing for a diagnosis. This is being portrayed as a negative thing to do. Particularly, in those individuals (like myself), where you look perfectly fine but you are suffering. Because of all this, I wanted to address, what a diagnosis meant for me.
Hello! Welcome to my blog this week. It is becoming more and more apparent that the power of positivity in the mind, can have a huge impact on the brain. Today, I wanted to discuss this and to give you an insight into the physiology of the brain, about what is happening when we start looking for the ‘good things’ in your life. I will also explain what ‘neuroplasticity’ is and why this is important in relation to this.