Hey there and welcome to my blog section of the website. Today I wanted to give you all a little more detail about how it all works online with zoom.us.
So, firstly it is free to use and you do not need to even create an account if you do not want to. For each session with me, I will send you a new unique code for that session single session. This code is typed into the ‘join a meeting’ box on either the Zoom Cloud meetings app, check out the downloads section on their website for more info or via the zoom.us/join on their website.
All my sessions are run with end-to-end (E2E) encryption too so they are truly secure. For all the technical blurb about zoom, you can read their PDF file here.

So why Zoom?
I chose zoom due to it being the most secure and professional platform I could find. I have always been pleased with how efficient it works for myself and my clients too. The sound and video quality are also very good. What I also love, that a lot of other platforms do not allow you to do, is the whiteboard. Those awesome people that are reading this and have had a Free Initial Consultation with me before, will understand the importance of this to me. To be able to draw the brain during the brain explanation, stress buckets and the positive parameters are so important to deliver this message home. Sitting and listening to the explanation is fine, it is made super effective though by the added drawings. I am not claiming to be an artist in any stretch of the imagination however, my scribbles have always been understood.
The other part that is great is the screen share. This is because I use a research program called CORP. This is a really neat piece of kit, where clients can see their progress being made in front of them each week. The research programme is filled in by asking only 7 questions to the client, the data is used completely anonymously. I share the screen for them to fill in their answers and they can also take control of my screen to fill it in. I can give them access to only that screen and not my whole computer.

Contact me either on kim@online-psychotherpist.com to book in or use my booking form here. I look forward to working with you towards wellness.